The full text of the opening feature article for the magazine “Fieldplus” can now be read online.

Fieldplus, a magazine that introduces the fieldwork of researchers working in various parts of the world, has published a special feature entitled “Dancing, Playing, and Performing in Asia under the Corona Situation (in Japanese). The responsible editor is Yukako Yoshida, and contributors are Ryoko Nagamine, Yoshiaki Takemura, Satomi Oshio, and Chie Kamino. Kamino’s photo graces the cover. We are pleased to announce that the full articles are now available online. Please click on the link below(Japanese version only).

Special Feature entitled “Dancing, Playing, and Performing in Asia under the Corona Situation (in Japanese)

責任編集:Yukako Yoshida
 ・コロナ下の台湾の芸能と防疫――「密」を取り戻すために –Ryoko Nagamine
 ・インド芸能をめぐるコミュニケーションの変容――コロナ状況下のシンガポールを事例に –Yoshiaki Takemura
 ・学びの場における音楽活動――「密」をさける難しさをどう乗り越えるか –Satomi Oshio
 ・コロナ状況下の日本で伊勢大神楽を撮る –Chie Kamino