Yoshiaki Takemura gave a lecture titled “The People Who Become Gods: Teyyam Rituals in Kerala, South India”.

In the Hindu world of northern Kerala, South India, a ritual in which the men of the untouchables descend a divine spirit (theyam) into their own bodies to bless the villagers is widely practiced. This exhibition introduced the rituals and the role of the untouchables today, who have inherited the role of the divine spirit as a traditional occupation of their caste.

The 135th Tokyo Lecture of The Minpaku Associates
“The People Who Become Gods: Teyyam Rituals in Kerala, South India”

Date/Time:Sun 17 Sep 2023, 13:30~15:00

Venue:Montbell Shibuya 5th floor salon
(Montbell Shibuya Building, 11-5 Udagawa-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo)

Lecturer:Yoshiaki Takemura(Heian Jogakuin(St.Agnes’)University Faculty of International Tourism)

*the lecture was in Japanese

Minpaku Weekend Salon: A Chat with a Researcher[No.631]
“The People Who Become Gods: Teyyam Rituals in Kerala, South India”

Date/Time:Sun 1st Oct 2023, 14:30~15:00

Venue:National Museum of Ethnology

Lecturer:Yoshiaki Takemura(Heian Jogakuin(St.Agnes’)University Faculty of International Tourism),Minoru Mio(National Museum of Ethnology)

*the lecture was in Japanese